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Who am I? 


He was nothing really special as a child, 

But he was ready to show his skills to the wild. 


He knew what he wanted to be, 

A medic, a biologist, a scientist, good grief! 


His dreams came true in 1916, 

The very most umpteen! 


He joined the Medical Army Corps, 

And he knew all was happy at his core. 


During this time an arm he almost lost, 

And saving it, he earned himself a Military Cross! 


Then came the work on insulin, 

At the start it was just a concoction. 


But as they worked, they got a better solution, 

And they finally tested on a human. 


These men they never gave up, 

They wouldn’t stop if someone was to interrupt. 


Who is this man about who I've been chanting? 

Why of course, it is Frederick G Banting. 

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